
APSMUSEUM论坛 | 关于当代艺术你最想了解的是什么?



APSMUSEUM Forum: What do you want to know the most about contemporary art?


Guest Speakers: Qiu Anxiong, Sonia Xie

时间:2020.11.28,14:30 -16:30

Time: 2020.11.28, 14:30 - 16:30

论坛流程:14:30 - 15:00 放映《新山海经1》15:00 - 16:30 论坛 Program: 14:30 - 15:00 New Classics of Mountains and Seas I Screening 
15:00 - 16:30 Conversation 

地点:APSMUSEUM,陆家嘴中心 L+MALL, 3层 301

Location: APSMUSEUM, L+MALL, Lujiazui Center, Level 3 301


What do you want to know the most about contemporary art?

What do you find most puzzling about contemporary art?


These are two of the questions that artist Qiu Anxiong is asking the public. 


We are inviting everyone to participate in this survey. You may leave us a comment or private message with your answers and doubts or click on “Read more” to fill out our survey. This Saturday, November 28th, artist Qiu Anxiong and Artsy China's Director of Content and Marketing, Ms. Sonia Xie, will be joining us at APSMUSEUM to discuss and answer your questions about "contemporary art."


On this occasion, we present a special screening of artist Qiu Anxiong’s animation film, New Classics of Mountains and Seas I.



The ink-wash animated film series of New Classics of Mountains and Seas are QiuAnxiong’s most important representative work. With references from the Classics of Mountains and Seas, a Chinese classic of ancient myths, the film series demonstrate the modern civilization in a primitive setting. By viewing the global political landscape from an immemorial perspective, they turn the phenomena that we ignore into materials of myths with a sense of distance, and present the audience with fantastic scenes seemingly from another world. The film series also develop the expressiveness of ink-wash painting in the contemporary language system, integrate the expressionistichand-drawn animation into film-making processes, and voice the criticism on the real world with vivid and peculiar images. With the conflict over energy resources as the main clue, the New Classics of Mountains and Seas I showcases how modern industrial civilization has alienated mankind and the resulting conflicts over geopolitical interests. The New Classics of Mountains and Seas II, based on biotechnology and space technology, pictures the human crises brought by the development of scientific technologies from both macro and micro perspectives. As for the New Classics of Mountains and Seas III, it shows the confusion resulting from the internet in the future information society by projecting the reality onto the future: In a wasteland-like city surrounded by virtual hologram images, everyone is playing a dual role — a virtual one and a real one; with the virtual lives confused with the real ones, people get stuck obsessing over the virtual joys and fantasies created by themselves, and become tedious working machines in their real lives; eventually, the virtual world collapses under the pressure of conflicts in the real world. By describing the intertwined and contradictory relationship between the virtual and real worlds, the film proposes a paradox of human existence in the information society.


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-  Free registration and participation of this event; due to limited venue capacity, registrations will be confirmed on a first-come, first-served basis.

-  Please arrive half an hour prior to the start of the event and check the reservation information at the APSMUSEUM front desk.

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论 坛 嘉 宾

Guest Speakers

Qiu Anxiong


邱岸雄最新的作品包括大幅的绘画,动画, 以及录像装置。如邱岸雄2006年的作品《新山海经》是由千余张水墨画联接而成的动画作品。这件作品的名字本身就取自中国的传统神话《山海经》。除了研究中国传统文化与现代文化间的相互影响,整个作品同时具有梦幻的色彩:细致明确的图像加上让人难以置信的叙述,忠实地描绘了我们所生活的荒谬的周遭世界。

作品为纽约大都会美术馆,纽约现代美术馆(MoMA),纽约布鲁克林美术馆,哥本哈根Aken现代美术馆,香港美术馆,堪萨斯大学Spencer Museum, 东京现代美术馆(MOT),奥斯陆 Astrup Fearnley现代美术馆,苏黎世Kunst Halle,悉尼白兔美术馆,香港M+当代美术馆,余德耀美术馆,上海当代艺术博物馆收藏

Qiu Anxiong was born in 1972 in Sichuan province. He graduated from Sichuan Academy of Fine Arts in 1994. In 2003 he graduated from the University Kassel's College of Art in Germany after six years of studying both contemporary international art and traditional Chinese culture. Now he is teaching in East China Normal University. His works employs different kinds of mediums including animation, painting, installation and video, etc. Representative works are animation film New Classic of Mountains and Seas, Temptation of the Land, Minguo Landscape, video installation Staring into Amnesia. He founded “Museum of Unkown” in 2007, which is an active power in the ecological construction of contemporary arts in recent years.

Qiu Anxiong’s recent work consists largely of paintings, animations, and video installations. In the 2006 piece The New Classic of Mountains and Seas, for example, Qiu employs multitudes of ink drawings and links them together in an animated form. The title itself refers to the ancient Chinese mythology Classic of the Mountains and Seas. Besides investigating the interaction between ancient and modern Chinese culture, this work and others like it have a dreamlike quality: the clearly delineated images framed by unbelievable narratives faithfully depict the absurdity of the world around us. This link to the everyday further enhances the political value of the work, which engages in a damning criticism of environmental degradation, social breakdown, and massive urbanization. Unlike younger artists, Qiu Anxiong does not indulge in the personal pleasures of the everyday, but rather takes the undifferentiated mass of history as his raw material.

Selected Public Collection Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, Museum of Modern Art New York. Art Museum of Brooklyn, New York Spenser Museum, Kansas University Museum of University Oxford, Kunst Halle Zurich, Museum of Contemporary Art Tokyo, Art Museum Hongkong, Astrup Fearnley Musum of Modern Art, Shanghai Contemporary Art Museum.

Sonia Xie

Artsy 中国区内容与营销总监。

谢斯曼,艺术史学者,新闻工作者,写作者。其现任线上艺术品交易平台及媒体 Artsy 的中国区内容与营销总监,此前她曾担任《艺术新闻/中文版》副主编,并长期为主流知名媒体撰稿,包括《三联生活周刊》、Sixth Tone、Nowness、《Wallpaper》、《ELLE》、《KINFOLK》、《生活家》等。她于美国惠顿文理学院获得艺术史、意大利研究及新闻学本科学位,于英国华威大学获得艺术史硕士学位。

Head of China, Editorial and Marketing, Artsy

Sonia Xie is an art historian, journalist and writer. She is the China Head of Editorial and Marketing at Artsy, the leading technology platform in the art world, the magazine of which is the most widely read online arts editorial in the world. Prior to joining Artsy, Xie was the deputy editor-in-chief at the Art Newspaper China. Xie is also a regular contributor to influential media including Life Week, Sixth Tone, Nowness, Wallpaper, KINFOLK, Arbiter and ELLE. Xie received her bachelor’s degree in Art History, Italian Studies and Journalism, from Wheaton College (MA), and her Master of Arts in Art History, from University of Warwick.



空间领导者 | APSMUSEUM开馆展
展览日期:2020.11.12 - 2021.02.28参观时间:10:00 - 22:00,21:30停止售票/入场展览地点:APSMUSEUM,上海陆家嘴中心L+MALL三楼301















空间领导者 | APSMUSEUM开馆展



General Organizer: Robin Wong


Curator: Xu Zhen


Artists:Anish Kapoor, Ding Yi, Mona Hatoum, He An, James Turrell, Li Hanwei, Lu Xinghua, Michelangelo Pistoletto, Qiu Anxiong, Shi Yong, Wang Jianwei, Wang Ziquan, XU ZHEN®, Yang Zhenzhong, Zhan Wang

展期:2020.11.12 - 2021.02.28

Duration: 2020.11.12 - 2021.02.28


Venue: APSMUSEUM, No.301, Floor 3, L+MALL, Shanghai


Organizers: Art Pioneer Studio, L+MALL


Support: Shanghai International Cultural Exchange Association, The Architectural Society of Shanghai China, Chinese Culture Promotion Society, Shanghai Xinhua Media Co.,LTD


Acknowledgement: Pace Gallery, Lisson Gallery, GALLERIA CONTINUA, Madeln Gallery, ShanghART Gallery, Long March Space, White Cube, Spurs Gallery

APSMUSEUM是由欣稚锋艺术机构(Art Pioneer Studio)及其创始人汪斌(Robin Wong)女士创立的非营利艺术空间。APSMUSEUM关注当代艺术、建筑、设计、时尚等不同领域,意在寻找、搭建和展示彼此相互融合的“空间”可能性。APSMUSEUM试图延展出更多元的艺术与建筑、设计之间的公共文化空间,艺术与时尚之间的文化消费空间,人与社会文化之间的心理空间。APSMUSEUM坐落在上海陆家嘴中心L+Mall商场三楼,由意大利著名建筑设计事务所Stefano Boeri Achitetti担任室内设计。由展览空间APSPACE、艺术设计商店APSTORE和会晤空间APSALON三部分组成。APSMUSEUM致力于塑造一个非常独特的展览空间,能够将艺术和文化带到充满活力的零售空间概念中。

APSMUSEUM is a non-profit art space founded by Art Pioneer Studio and its founder, Ms. Robin Wong. With focuses on contemporary art, architecture, design, fashion, and other creative fields, the APSMUSEUM aims to discover, build, and integrate these areas of interest into a “space” of possibilities. The APSMUSEUM attempts to extend diverse public cultural spaces that bring together art, architecture, and design, a venue of cultural consumption of art and fashion, a psychological space that addresses man and social culture. APSMUSEUM is located in the L+Mall of Lujiazui, Shanghai. The renowned Italian design firm, Stefano Boeri Achitetti, executes its interior design consisting of APSPACE for exhibition, APSTORE for art and design shop, and APSALON for meetings. APSMUSEUM aims to create an unconventional exhibition space that brings art and culture to a vibrant retail concept.

上海陆家嘴中心L+Mall位于上海陆家嘴核心区域,邻近上海中心、环球金融中心等。体量超过140000平方米,地上10层商业,地下1层商业,坐落在“黄金角”地段,L+Mall已成为上海金融中心的新枢纽。L+Mall建筑由全球顶级建筑事务所SOM(Skidmore, Owings & Merrill LLP)设计,屡获国际殊荣的建筑设计事务所Benoy为这座上海核心金融区的大体量中高端购物中心提供了商业空间规划,室内设计及标识设计。

2019年,L+Mall引入巴黎老佛爷百货(Galeries Lafayette)旗舰店,同时拥有世界各大奢华品牌及小众精品等近600个品牌。融合了餐饮,休闲娱乐,跨界体验,艺术空间等多元业态。

L+Mall is located at the heart of Lujiazui, Shanghai, neighboring Shanghai Center, and Shanghai World Financial Center. Its more than 140,000 square meters of construction are divided into ten floors of retail space above ground and one underground. Situated at the "Golden Tip", L+Mall has become the new hub of Shanghai's financial center. Designed by the world's top architecture firm SOM (Skidmore, Owings & Merrill LLP), Benoy's international award-winning architecture firm has provided commercial space planning, interior design, and logo design for this sizeable mid-range and upscale shopping mall in the heart of Shanghai's financial district.

 In 2019, L+Mall introduced the flagship store of Galeries Lafayette, which features nearly 600 brands from the world's major luxury brands and boutiques. It integrates diverse experiences such as dining, leisure and entertainment, crossover experiences, and art spaces.


APSMUSEUM开馆展 | 空间领导者




欣稚锋艺术机构(Art Pioneer Studio)与国内外优秀艺术家、设计师和建筑师合作,致力于为城市与乡村室内外空间策划、设计并制作独一无二的定制艺术品,将触动人心的艺术力量赋予建筑空间和城市环境,以卓越的创造力打造非同凡响的公共艺术空间。


APS已与来自全球十余个国家和地区的40余位艺术家开展合作关系,并受政府委托策划执行2019上海城市空间艺术季(SUSAS 2019),同时在文华东方酒店集团、光明集团、陆家嘴集团及政府的多个境内外地产项目中担任全程艺术策划及监制顾问。

The Art to be continued…



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